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When your emails don't hit the inbox,
it's a massive missed opportunity

My Hit The Inbox™ Audit will ensure you aren't missing out on sales
because of hidden email problems.

Stay out of
spam folders


Maximize your
email efforts

Only $99

Emails that don't arrive in their inbox can't sell your offer

Email should be at the core of your marketing strategy. Conservative estimates conclude that every $1 spent on email marketing provides a $36 return on investment*.

But … that ROI declines sharply when your emails aren’t consistently landing in your reader’s inbox.

Here’s the problem—unless you know what to look for, most business owners never know when their emails aren’t being delivered.

Undelivered emails are the silent thief stealing away profit and eroding your bottom line.

Stealing from back

Use these concrete steps to avoid the spam folder and generate high-quality leads. 

My Hit The Inbox™ Audit uncovers any problems causing missed opportunities for growth. You’ll feel confident knowing the EXACT steps needed to ensure your emails consistently show up in inboxes, improving your bottom line along the way.

* Stats courtesy of Hubspot

"Hit The Inbox is a super practical resource that unpacks a complicated, technical topic. Many people understand the value of needing email marketing, but don't take the time to ensure that investment is maximized. I 100% recommend checking this out. It's well worth the investment!"


Evan Cox,
Evan Cox Consulting

What's happening "under the hood" matters

In my work with over 300 Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) clients since 2017, I’ve found four factors — when ignored — create major problems with the delivery of your emails. We’ll cover all of these factors in your audit.

Spam Traps

Threat #1: Spam Traps

These are valid email addresses secretly used by Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and other email service providers to catch spammers. If you’re caught sending emails to those “trap” addresses, it damages your email reputation. If done long enough and consistently enough, they could completely block you from emailing anyone on their platform.

Threat #2: Hard-Bounced Emails

Sometimes people change their email addresses and close old accounts without notifying you.  When you send an email to a non-existent address, it bounces. If you’re not notified when an email bounces, you’re unaware that your emails to that person are not getting seen — taking away your ability to nurture the contact and ultimately costing you sales.


Threat #3: Unengaged Contacts

The big 3 mailbox providers — Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo — penalize senders who continuously email contacts who have not opened, clicked, or replied to one of your emails within the last 60-90 days. If you continue doing this, you could get completely blocked from emailing anyone on their platform.

Threat #4: Spammy Email Content

Including certain elements or phrases in your emails can make them look like promotional or marketing materials. This can determine in which folder besides the primary inbox your email lands. Following general guidelines on creating your emails can help more people see your messages. 

  • Increase your open rates and reach more people
  • Stop wasting money on email marketing strategies that don't convert
  • Stay inside people's inboxes and ensure they take action on your content
  • Rest easy knowing the time you spend creating stellar campaigns isn't going to waste

The Hit The Inbox™ Audit is for:

Entrepreneurs • Consultants • Managers • CEOs • Speakers

Authors • Advisors • Coaches • Nonprofits

Using the following email marketing platforms

Let's make sure your emails land in their inbox

Before your Hit The Inbox™ Audit, you might be feeling:

  • Discouraged.

    You've looked for advice everywhere without seeing any actual results.

  • Frustrated.

    You’re not sure why everyone else seems to be seeing success with their emails except for you.

  • Confused.

    You don't understand why your email marketing numbers continue to drop.

  • Overwhelmed.

    You spend so much time writing content, paying for an email marketing software, and creating relevant offers - only to watch your sales plateau.

  • Apprehensive.

    You wonder if you should just give up on email marketing altogether.

After your Hit The Inbox™ Audit, you're going to feel:

  • Hopeful.

    You're ready to send campaigns that your entire audience can open and engage with.

  • Confident.

    You finally understand what's happening behind the scenes and how to ensure your emails are delivered every time.

  • Reassured.

    You know you have the plan you need to generate sales from your emails.

  • Inspired.

    Now that your efforts aren't in vain, you're excited to create winning campaigns.

  • Supported.

    You have someone you can go to for help who understands what you're dealing with.

Request your

Fill me in on your email struggles with a short questionnaire and provide me with a few needed details to kick off your audit.

Understand your

I'll prepare and deliver an Executive Report of Findings that will reveal any problems causing your emails to not get delivered (thus costing you sales).

Start delivering more emails

You'll feel confident knowing your email marketing campaigns are helping your business grown.

Meet Your Email Marketing Specialist

Hi, I’m Scott!

For the last two decades, I’ve helped more than 300 authors, speakers, service-based businesses, and other established entrepreneurs set up their automated email campaigns in a way that's both effective and engaging. 

If you're tired of losing out on profit because of undelivered emails, request your Hit The Inbox™ Audit today.  You'll finally have an inside look into how you can make the most of your email marketing efforts.

Signature of Scott Hartley
Photo of Scott Hartley, Email Marketing Specialist

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to complete my audit?

To analyze all of the data gathered from your account, we’ll need five business days to complete the audit.

How much does the audit cost?

I’m currently offering my Hit The Inbox™ Audit for just $99. Valued at $149, this comprehensive audit is designed to uncover hidden issues in your email marketing and then position you to generate a significant return on your email efforts.

The deal will only be for a limited time, so if you’re looking to ensure your emails are always delivered, now’s the time to request yours.

What's included in my audit?

When you first request your audit, you’ll complete a short questionnaire that provides me with access to your email marketing platform. Then, I’ll get started on your audit.

After five business days, I’ll prepare and deliver to you my Executive Report of Findings, which will reveal any problems you’re facing with your emails. We’ll also schedule a 30-minute Audit Review Call to go over the findings.

Should I discover any problems, I’ll also provide a proposed Action Plan to remedy the situation. If you see value in engaging with me beyond that, great! We can talk about it at that time. And if you don't want me to fix anything, that's okay too!

What email marketing platforms can you audit?

My Hit The Inbox™ Audit can be conducted on the following platforms: 

  • ActiveCampaign
  • AWeber
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Constant Contact
  • GetResponse
  • Hubspot
  • Keap
  • Klaviyo
  • MailChimp
  • MailerLite
  • Maropost
  • Ontraport
  • SendInBlue
What information do you need to complete my audit?

To begin your audit, we’ll need your email marketing platform login credentials. This allows us to connect our analysis tools to your software and review some of your recently sent email campaigns. 

Though handing over your credentials is never easy, we’re here to assure you that your information is safe and secure. And, once we complete your audit, we recommend changing your login information entirely.